"I told a friend today, it's like I just came in from surfing, and I looked back to the ocean, and somebody was drowning. Am I just gonna sit back on the beach and say, have a nice day and then be on my way or am I gonna go in and save their lives, well you know what, I'm swimming out to get them now"?

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"Commonsense always asks the questions beforehand, so we will quickly have the ready answers when needed."

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"Beware, it's highly controversial. The truth is the hardest thing to believe nowadays."

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Excellent work James.

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Thank you, Jeff!

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Wow! Well written and extremely insightful! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and research James! Love you brother!

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Thank you, " Not so Silent Mike." I know this newsletter is a bombshell overload for most. But sometimes, that's what it takes to wake us all up. These are crazy days, that's for sure.

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